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在执行其消除使命的过程中,Federal City Associates (FCA) 的工作人员和董事会在此提出想法和建议,以帮助那些希望建立自己的企业的个人。 提供的信息包括自营职业的原因、能力问题和资源;培训和教育机会;法律资源;结构性需求;支持团体;和财政援助。 信息的目标是军人、退伍军人及其家人;更生的罪犯;美洲土著;女性;少数群体;残疾人士和 LGBTQ 人士。

Federal City Associates, established by decorated Vietnam War veterans, is a non-profit organization that stands as a beacon of hope for veterans and economically distressed individuals. Committed to service and making a difference, we aim to provide resources and support, empowering these individuals to rise above their challenges, and succeed.

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