在 60 多年的时间里,这些干预措施已经对 3 万多名贫困人口进行了七万多次,而这七个人自愿或专业地为 30 多个不同的组织工作。 此外,另一项成就是帮助经济困难的人获得超过 1.058 亿美元的直接经济援助。 除此之外,这些人还直接向贫困个人、他们的家庭成员或为帮助他们而设立的组织直接捐助了 50,000 多美元。 除此之外,这七人自愿或专业地成为了三十多个致力于帮助退伍军人及其家人的组织的会员或为其工作。 最后,他们以个人或组织成员的身份,写和邮寄了两千多封支持直接或间接脱贫的信件。
就其本身而言,Federal City Associates, Inc. 已向所有现任美国参议员发出七封信,呼吁增加对所有贫困公民,尤其是退伍军人的援助,特别提供 100 多项立法建议以实现这一目标。
Created a website and a face book page the contents of which have informed and motivated hundreds of USA Military Veterans regarding its approach for achieving operational goals and objectives.
Promoted the use of tools and resources with which to accomplish business and operational hopes and dreams.
Enhanced the number of financial options available for USA Military Veterans to use to supplement their personal health and economic well-being and thus be able to take more chances in working as entrepreneurs.
Established an ongoing program to provide direct grants to USA Military Veterans attempting to establish, maintain, or expand private enterprise or not for profit entities.
Promulgated and supported a sense of importance on the part of USA Military Veterans possessing varying ethnic, cultural, sexual, physical, linguistic, and mental health capabilities and aspirations to enter into and achieve success in a variety of endeavors in terms of establishing new enterprises and expanding existing entities
Began the process of bringing together in positive ways the skills, talents, abilities and goals of those individuals and entities of having attained success in assisting USA Military Veterans achieve their entrepreneurial goals and objectives.
在 60 多年的时间里,这些干预措施已经对 3 万多名贫困人口进行了七万多次,而这七个人自愿或专业地为 30 多个不同的组织工作。 此外,另一项成就是帮助经济困难的人获得超过 1.058 亿美元的直接经济援助。 除此之外,这些人还直接向贫困个人、他们的家庭成员或为帮助他们而设立的组织直接捐助了 50,000 多美元。 除此之外,这七人自愿或专业地成为了三十多个致力于帮助退伍军人及其家人的组织的会员或为其工作。 最后,他们以个人或组织成员的身份,写和邮寄了两千多封支持直接或间接脱贫的信件。
就其本身而言,Federal City Associates, Inc. 已向所有现任美国参议员发出七封信,呼吁增加对所有贫困公民,尤其是退伍军人的援助,特别提供 100 多项立法建议以实现这一目标。

Collaborate with other entities to maximize our impact and reach.
Serve all in need, irrespective of race, creed, color, religion, age, or origin.
在执行其消除使命的过程中,Federal City Associates (FCA) 的工作人员和董事会在此提出想法和建议,以帮助那些希望建立自己的企业的个人。 提供的信息包括自营职业的原因、能力问题和资源;培训和教育机会;法律资源;结构性需求;支持团体;和财政援助。 信息的目标是军人、退伍军人及其家人;更生的罪犯;美洲土著;女性;少数群体;残疾人士和 LGBTQ 人士。
Federal City Associates (FCA) Offers Monetary Grants To USA Military Veterans Attempting To Set Or Expand Existing Businesses Or Other Such Entities. USA Military Veterans Trying To Do Those Things Are Advised To Click On The Request For Monetary And Consulting Help Button Above And Fill Out That Application Form To Secure Funding And Other Help From FCA
Over and beyond FCA's grant program described above, and realizing that many organizations, starting up and otherwise, need financing, we strongly suggest that they consult the following agencies (Candid Learning, SCORE.org, LegalZoom.com, and Veteran Business Project), and the other resource suggestions listed under the seven groups put forth in our comprehensive guide.
Finally, FCA Urges All USA Military Veterans, As Part Of Their Attempts Goal To Either Start Up Or Enhance An Enterprise, To Educate Themselves Concerning The Multiple Economically Related Issues And Challenges Which They Face As US Military Veterans. Thus, FCA Encourages Every USA Military Veteran To Carry Out The Following Activities. Vote In All Elections, Join And Participate In The Activities Of At Least One Of The Nationally Chartered Veterans' Services Organizations (e.g. The American Legion, AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, And Wounded Warriors), Enroll In The USA Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System As A Patient Actively Seeking And Obtaining Care, Sign Up For And Utilize The My Healthy Vet Provider/Patient Communication System, Support All Ongoing Efforts To Ensure The Fully Funding Of The USA DVA Health Care System (Especially For The Care Of The Senior Citizen USA Military Veterans), And After Securing A Free Power Of Attorney (POA) From a Veterans Services Organization (VSO), Use That POA To Apply For And Obtain The Numerous USA DVA Benefits (Including Numerous Federal Loans, Disability Payments, Pensions, And Grants) And Other State, County, And Private Sector Benefits, All Of Which Every USA Military Veteran Both Earns And Thus Qualifies For. And Hence The USA Military Veteran Who Engages In All Of These Previously Listed Activities Can Significantly Increase His/Her Personal Wealth And Can Then Take Those Proceeds And Use Them To Either Set Up New Businesses Or Expand His/Her Existing Enterprises.

Federal City Associates, P.O. Box 2270, Youngstown, Ohio 44504-0270 or info@federalcityassociates.org
Telephone messages for FCA in English can be left at 330.550.6502.